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Welcome to the Siberian Jungle

I have a story to tell. It is a story of revolution, of war, of American ignorance and of Russian dominance. It is about the Bolshevik's rise to power, and the Russian Empire's ultimate defeat. It begins in a time of world wide conflict and concludes in a time of political turmoil.
The Russian Civil War is every bit a part of political history as it is of Russian history. American hegemony was ever present in the multi-party events, and through this blog I hope to show how and why American intervention effected the events of 1917 through to 1920. This is an analysis of the politics of the Russian Civil War.

War on the Reds

The intervention by countries in the Russian Civil was not solely limited to the major powers of the Allied countries. Among the nearly two hundred thousand foreign troops fighting in Russia, over 4,400 of them were Canadians. There were also British, French, Italian, Polish, Czechoslovak, Finnish, Serbian, American and Japanese troops who all invaded Russia after the overthrow of the czar. In particular, Canada’s involvement was seen as a “part of the price of Empire.”

I have found an amazing article from Maclean’s magazine detailing not only the Allied involvement in the war, but also highlighting Canada’s achievements. Nathan Greenfield also explains the right honourable Robert Borden’s politics towards the entire situation. This resource will be useful because it includes both the events of the Russian Civil War but also Canada’s part in these events. It should be quite interesting to include Canada’s history and viewpoints within my essay as opposed to merely focussing on American hegemony.

Additionally, this source includes some of the motives towards invading Russia, which to be honest tends to differ from source to source. Regardless, the general theme of maintaining American investments and military supremacy tend to be universal throughout my research. Not only this though, I have learned from this article that America may have also been attempting to capture the “rich Caspian Sea Baku oil fields.” This seems to fit my thesis, and in fact will greatly strengthen my essay.


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